Optimizing with Column Generation

About the authors

Eduardo Uchoa

Eduardo Uchoa

Eduardo Uchoa is a Full Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil and holds an INRIA International Chair (2022-2026) in France. He is a prominent figure in the development of modern Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithms. His work is notable for both its theoretical contributions and computational achievements, time and again advancing the boundaries of solvability in classic problems. Eduardo is one of the principal architects of VRPSolver, a generic Column Generation-based algorithm that currently achieves state-of-the-art exact results for a wide spectrum of vehicle routing problems and other problem classes.

Artur Pessoa

Artur Pessoa

Artur Pessoa is an Associate Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil and a "hidden figure" (rarely attending international conferences) in numerous column generation developments. He is also one of the principal creators of VRPSolver. Artur is an exceptional programmer with a comprehensive knowledge of mathematical optimization. In addition to his work on classic deterministic combinatorial optimization problems, Artur has made significant contributions to non-linear, bi-level, and stochastic optimization.

Lorenza Moreno

Lorenza Moreno

Lorenza Moreno is an Associate Professor at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora in Brazil. She has extensive experience in applied optimization for industry, having worked on tactical and operational railway planning, telecom network design, industrial scheduling, and logistics for some of the biggest Brazilian companies. Her advanced column generation-based solution for helicopter transport of oil rig crews in the Campos Basin was a finalist for the INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Operations Research.

